Some of the many reported benefits of asana include:
1. Release mental and physical tension.
2. Prepare the body for seated meditation.
3. Mobilize and stabilize the body.
4. Promote balance, strength and flexibility.
5. Explore.
6. Release “excess stuff.”
7. Direct attention inward.
8. Feel more deeply connected with all of life.
9. Experience meditation flowing spontaneously.
10. Balance the energies and forces throughout the body.
11. Reduce stress.
12. Increase concentration.
13. Open energy channels.
14. Integrate mind and body.
15. Release impurities.
16. Increase awareness.
1. Release mental and physical tension.
2. Prepare the body for seated meditation.
3. Mobilize and stabilize the body.
4. Promote balance, strength and flexibility.
5. Explore.
6. Release “excess stuff.”
7. Direct attention inward.
8. Feel more deeply connected with all of life.
9. Experience meditation flowing spontaneously.
10. Balance the energies and forces throughout the body.
11. Reduce stress.
12. Increase concentration.
13. Open energy channels.
14. Integrate mind and body.
15. Release impurities.
16. Increase awareness.